Saturday, December 10, 2011

All good things start out as a mess, right?

So I made my black bean burgers last night. I won't lie to you, it was a disaster! I followed a recipe I found online, and it was awful. They were SO mushy and disgusting. I even tried to make them better by adding buffalo sauce and blue cheese, and I still couldn't choke down one bite. Bart, bless his heart ate the whole thing and mine. Needless to say I had cheerios and an english muffin for dinner. I might try these again, but with some type of nut or something in the mix to add some texture, because just the black bean mush and corn was a disgusting mess. I'm okay with all of this though, because I knew it might not be great, and at least I tried it. I guess if I ever really want a burger I'll have that on my cheat day, or maybe fashion one out of zucchini.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Call it an early New Years Resolution

Last year I ate a mainly vegetarian diet for about 3 or 4 months, and it was really great. I lost about 35lbs (some of that might have happened before the diet change from a pretty gruesome bout with a mental breakdown type thing) and I was very proud of myself, especially since I LOVE bacon and chicken. Well I broke my vegetarian ways because I met this rad guy and he ate meat, and I have always believed the way to a mans heart is through his stomach, and in order to please his stomach I had to provide it with meat and being I don't have indefinite time or resources, I just gave up on cooking separate things for him and started eating the same things as him. One year later, I've gained back my 35lbs and an addition 5lbs for good measure, and I'm not impressed, so it's time to make a change. Also a year later I'm still dating that rad guy, so I guess I did something right. Now we both want to live healthier lives... together, which is so awesome, and I decided today was the day to start. On this blog I will post recipes (some mine, some I found online and from other cool places) and pictures of my creations.

The catch: I won't be going 100% vegetarian this time. Once a week I will be eating meat, or some type of cheat dish. I like bacon and chicken way too much to give them up completely, and sometimes I really just need steak of chinese food. Plus I think completely depriving yourself is bad, so I'm not going to do it. If I don't let myself have the things I want, one day I will probably crack and someone will find me sitting next to a pile of candy wrappers eating bacon until I pass out.

So welcome to my blog, and I hope you enjoy my recipes! Just a preview, tonight I'm making black bean burgers, so tune in in a few hours for the results!